
The Association is run on a voluntary basis by a Committee elected from members at each AGM.  The Committee elects a Chair and the officers and determines the day-to-day direction of the Association, subject to policy decisions taken by the whole membership at the AGM. 

The Committee organises meetings, tasting events for the trade and/or public and runs our annual competition. It also liaises with WineGB.

Our Rules of Association reviewed as necessary from time to time and require a resolution of the AGM to agree any changes. 

The aims of the Association include the promotion of West of England wines and vineyards and this is becoming a more important aspect of the region's work as our industry matures.

In 2015, 2016 and 2018 we ran trade tastings in Bristol and Exeter, and our growers have shared a stand at the London Wine Fair, as well as a regional table at the WineGB Trade Tasting in London.

And of course we offer help and support for sub-regional promotions (for example "Devon Wine Week" which runs during English Wine Week at the end of each May).